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Where in the world is Roam to Home?


We’ve been offline for a while now. That’s because there have been a lot of things happening in our lives. We are finally taking a few moments to write down our feelings. To be honest our feelings are pretty mixed and scattered and change daily. But we think that’s okay, for now.

After traveling off and on for almost a year we are back in Indianapolis (our home city).

And… we rented a house.


We loved, loved, LOVED traveling full-time. There were ups and downs, of course, but it’s something that we really enjoyed. The thing that we discovered about traveling is that no matter where you are in this world, home will always be where your friends and family are. So that’s where we came back to. Home. Where our friends and our family are. For now.

I (Erin) am back to work at McNamara Florist as I had been working remotely with them since we left last August. MJ has started a new role at his old workplace as well, Chilly Water Brewing Company. Some days it feels like we never left. That’s the part we struggle with.

Some days I look up from my computer screen and think, why am I sitting here? I should be on a hike. I should be knee deep in the water somewhere. I should be sitting in a coffee shop on my computer instead. But then I remember, I get to come home to my tail-wagging dog and walk down a beautiful tree-lined street with a beautiful view of the skyline and I get to hang out with my friends and watch trash reality tv and eat ice cream without it melting too fast and bake in an oven and take a shower whenever I want and and and…

You see “The grass is always greener on the other side” has never been more true for us than right now.

Our minds haven’t stopped wandering but our bodies have. We have to admit, we are so happy to be home, so happy to be with our loved ones in our favorite city, we are happy. But as we always have, we are craving adventure, we are craving the unknown.

So, our travel days are over. For now. But this won’t be the last of them. That we know for sure. And we couldn't stop traveling full-time without pre-planning a few future trips to places like Pittsburgh and Milwaukee.

For the record, we are keeping Luna. For now.

PS. Does anyone know how to repair a ’63 Ford Econoline Camper Truck? :)

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